250-I - 250-P

Cup seamer for knitwear

Main features


  • Particularly suitable for basting operations on fully fashioned sections of outer knitwear before assembly .
  • Single thread seam, long overlock stitch type "501"
  • Machine can be equipped with uncurling guides to straighten up the rolled borders of the knitted sections.
  • Stitch length from 3 to 9 mm depending on gauges


  • Particularly suitable for joining the cuffs to the sleeves as well as overlocking on fully fashioned knitwear.
  • Single thread seam, short overlock stitch type "501"
  • Stitch length from 1 to 5 mm depending on gauges
Product images
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250 I - 250 P

250 I - 250 P

250 I - 250 P

250 I - 250 P